LYNX Silver Line TOD Community Meeting Summary
In July 2021, Charlotte Area Transit System and partner agencies hosted a series of in-person community meetings for the station area planning effort along the LYNX Silver Line. During the six meetings, community members learned about station area planning process and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) study, learned how the City is planning and preparing for the LYNX Silver Line project and gave input around what they would like to see in their station areas. The community meetings focused on seven demonstration areas along the corridor but attendees were able to provide input on all 29 stations along the corridor.
Missed a meeting in your neighborhood? Be sure to take our survey!

During each community meeting, participants were asked to provide input on how they would choose to prioritize spending when given a limited budget. Each participant was given 20 beads to “spend” on projects and initiatives in station areas. Some of the top investments the communities prioritized around the station includes:
New bike lanes and trails
Adding public spaces
Preserve Existing affordable housing

July 12th - BELMONT
Location: The Point Church
Number of Attendees: 48
Demonstration Area: Belmont station area plan concepts and station areas west of the Airport.
Key themes we heard from the community:
Wilkinson Boulevard is a challenging corridor to cross and new pedestrian accommodations would need to be considered.
People value the homes and businesses in Downtown Belmont and want to maintain a “small town feel.”
Many people would like to see improvements made at the intersections of Main Street/Wilkinson Boulevard and Park Street/Wilkinson Boulevard
Most of the new development potential is on the north side of Wilkinson Boulevard

Community members were asked to place a red dot on things they would like to see improved or changed and a green dot on things in their community they valued.
July 13th – West Charlotte
Location: Hygge West
Number of Attendees: 46
Demonstration Area: Station areas around Ashley Road, Remount Road and Suttle Avenue.
Key themes we heard from the community:
Wilkinson Boulevard is a challenging corridor to cross as a pedestrian (walker) and new pedestrian accommodations are needed
Most of the new development potential is on the south side of Wilkinson Boulevard
Many of the residents on the north side of Wilkinson are concerned about maintaining existing affordable housing and preserving their community character.

July 15th- UPTOWN
Location: Romare Bearden Park
Number of Attendees: 53
Demonstration Area: Station areas around 11th Street, including key connection to LYNX Blue Line.
Key themes we heard from the community:
There is excitement about the potential to add public space in the Uptown Area through the LYNX Silver Line project
Brevard & Tryon Street are important connections to get north of Brookshire Freeway
Many people support making 11th Street more walkable and bikeable

July 20th – BOJANGLES
Location: Bojangles Coliseum/Ovens Auditorium
Number of Attendees: 53
Demonstration Area: Station area around the Bojangles Coliseum.
Key themes we heard from the community:
Community members see the arena as an asset to keep and, are excited about the potential for new development around it.
Nearby communities want to preserve their existing housing and character.
Community members identified the commercial properties along Independence Boulevard as opportunities to change uses and the building types

July 21st – East Charlotte
Location: Independence Library
Number of Attendees: 70
Demonstration Area: Station area around the Village Lake and McAlpine Stations.
Key themes we heard from the community:
Community members want to preserve the existing affordable housing in the Village Lake neighborhood
Village Lake residents support the concept of a “town center” feel around the station area
Connecting McAlpine Park and greenway to the McAlpine Station is important

July 22nd – MATTHEWS
Location: The Green
Number of Attendees: 49
Demonstration Area: Station area around the Downtown Matthews and the Entertainment District stations.
Key themes we heard from the community:
Community members want to preserve the downtown feel of Matthews
A pedestrian/bicycle/trail connection from the Entertainment District to the Matthews Sportsplex is desirable
Community wants to deter a “park and ride” station in their downtown and emphasize a walk-up station environment

Community meetings for the Indian Trail and Stallings Station areas are expected to occur in September 2021. More information coming soon!